On Sun, 19 Jan 2003 11:18, Joseph F. Ryan wrote:
> Ignorant of what?  Surely we shouldn't assume that we're all
> ignorant of Perl?

Ignorant of the untold number of ways things could be done better.
Assuming the universe has an infinite number of possibilities, we have
0% of the expressive space of programming languages covered.  But
that's not important right now.

Now, I know that there was an extensive RFC process for Perl 6.

But perhaps there are still simple ideas that have not been entered
into the pot yet; after all, like minds think alike.  And pot mind
like I think into, hmm?

To me what's missing stands out like a sore thumb - that making sure a
package/class definition can express all the same primitive elements
used by the current emerged standard of modelling data sets - UML.

So you could say, eg two classes that have a composite, ordered, one
to many relationship between each other, and have that information
both accessible at run time to persistence layers and control the
defaults of how the object behaves.  Or an aggregate many to many
relationship.  Or a simple one to one relationship.

You might correctly say, if you make the language flexible enough then
you are free to build any number of these systems that work in any
number of different ways.  But if you ask me, they'll all be a hack
until the underlying principles are isolated, and included as
keywords, modifiers or whatever it takes to extend the act of defining
a class.

OO Code is; Classes, Attributes, Methods and Associations.  How many
of these elements does Perl deal in?

And don't take offence at being called an amateur - the word literally
means `for the love of it'.

Thesaurus: ancient reptile with an excellent vocabulary

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