On Tuesday, January 21, 2003, at 02:38  PM, Buddha Buck wrote:
Michael Lazzaro wrote:
And it provides a very visual way to define any pipe-like algorithm, in either direction:
$in -> lex -> parse -> codify -> optimize -> $out; # L2R

$out <- optimize <- codify <- parse <- lex <- $in; # R2L

It's clear, from looking at either of those, that they represent data
The problem with this example is that the two lines deal with two different calling conventions, going by Damian's proposal...
So the apparant symmetry between <~ and ~> isn't really there.

I like <~ and ~>, but I think that it will be a common mistake to think that $a ~> b~>c~>d can be reversed to give d<~c~<b<~$a, when it can't. That, to me, is an argument against <~ and ~>, at least as currently formulated.
Agreed, it could be quite misleading. Personally, I'd be happier if <~ and ~> worked _only_ on objects and methods, instead of arbitrary subs... but I understand the utility of the other way.

Of course, _I'd_ even prefer using <- and -> as the 'piping' operators, and having ~> or |> for pointy sub, because then $a->foo and $a.foo really _could_ be the same thing, 'cept for precedence. But that's not gonna happen, and _I'm_ not gonna press it. :-)


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