Michael Lazzaro writes:
 > Think, think.  What do these things have in common?
 >      # known from A4
 >      for @a, sub ($x) {...}     # primitive spelling
 >      for @a -> $x {...}         # pointy sub, looks great
 >      map {...} @a               # old-style map syntax
 >      map sub ($x) {...}, @a     # primitive spelling
 >      map -> $x {...} @a         # pointy sub?  Oof, kinda opaque, here.
 suppose that 

 -> ( ... ) { ... }       #(1)

is prefix way of saying 

 { ... } is sig( ... )    #(2)

so "->" is a more like prefix form of "is signature" then alias for
"sub" . so suppose that . 
I can even assume that another way to say (2)
can be 

 { ... } ( ... ) <-       #(3)

so -> and <- are just another ways to say "is signature" before or
after the block .  

so now we have ( no piping operators !) 

#nonempty signature 

for @a -> $x { ... } ; 
map { ... } $x <- @a 

#empty signature 

for @a -> { ... } ; 
map { ... } <- @a 

I am not sure but it seems that parser can handle both (1) and (3) . 
the problem with (3) is that parser will have to wait till it see <-
to realize what is going on 

this is meaningfull ( but probably not very usefull ) now 

sub ->( $x ) { ... } ; 

sub  { ... } ( $x ) <-; 

 >      # purely speculative alternatives
 >      for @a : sub ($x) {...}    # indirect object syntax
 >      for @a : -> ($x) {...}     # not as good as before
 >      map @a : {...}             # indirect object syntax
 >      @a -> map {...}            # L2R
now , if we make totally crazy assumtion that signature ->( ... )  is
allowed to be separated by something from its block then this works

      @a ->($x) map {...}  #==> @a .map { ... } is sig($x) 
      @a -> map {...}      #==> @a .map { ... } is sig( <empty> )      

and if several signature specifications for the same block will just
concatenate to form a single concatenated signature then this will
work : 

for @a -> ( $x ), 
    @b -> ( $y ) { ... }  

 is equivalent to 

for zip(@a,@b) 
    -> ($x,$y) 
           { ... }  

Here "for" will have to dispatch the signature pieces to the block . 
and it also be able to notice the "stream separator" in the signature
because it gets signature in 2 pieces explicitely. 


 ->( $x ) ->( $y ) { ... }  


{ ... }   is sig( $x ) is sig( $y ) 

is same as 

{ ... }   is sig( $x ,$y ) 


 >      map {...} <- @a            # R2L (these look great)

this is postfix (empty) signature specification 

 >      # But the combination of both meanings doesn't work at all.
 >      # (pointy sub doesn't work as well with indirect-object or
 >      # pipe-like syntax, and vice versa)
 >      map @a : -> $x {...}       # indirect + pointy sub
 >      map @a : sub ($x) {...}    # arguably better looking?
 >      @a -> map sub ($x) {...}   # objpipe + primitive spelling (OK)
 >      @a -> map -> ($x) {...}    # objpipe + pointy sub (very NOT OK)
 >      @a -> map ($x) {...}       # 'implied' sub? (Nope, NOT OK)
 > I mean, it _looks_ like there should be way to put those together by 
 > making '->' mean something more encompassing than pointy sub.  There's 
 > some beautifully expressive syntax in there.
 > Think, think...
 > MikeL

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