Sam Vilain:
# > Okay, here's another shot at the semantics for objects [for 
# perl 6]. 
# > If folks, especially non-perl folks, would look this over and chime 
# > in, I'd much appreciate it.
# > Objects have (all optional):
# > *) Properties
# > *) Methods
# > *) Attributes
# Add to that:
#   *) A superclass (obviously, but I consider it to be the 
# same level as
#      Properties, Methods and Attributes.)

Superclass*es*.  Perl 5 has MI, and I don't expect that to change in
Perl 6.  Parrot absolutely *must* support Perl, or it has failed in its
primary goal.

#   *) Associations, eg in UML.

I've deleted your stuff about associations below, which described their
properties nicely, but didn't explain what they *are*.  What are they
and when would you use them?  Can they be implemented in terms of
properties and/or attributes?

#   *) a set of Interfaces (similar to multiple inheritance; a way of
#      grouping methods associated with a class for another to 
# implement).
#      eg, in Java and IDL.

Can this be implemented in terms of MI and/or delegation?  (For Perl 6's
part, my understanding is that an interface is just a class that
inherits from Interface--although I could *easily* be wrong about that.)

# Are you going to implement the concept of `scope' of 
# methods/attributes?  
# Many other languages have it, and I think in some 
# circumstances it can 
# help clarify the intent of code.  Of course anally requiring it to be 
# specified ends up with a language like Java :-).

If you mean public/private, yes.  If you mean lexically-scoped methods
and such...they have been proposed for Perl 6, although implementing
them is non-trivial.

# My humble opinion is that `public' attributes should just be 
# implemented in 
# terms of automatically generated accessor functions.

The attribute slots in a Parrot object are private to the object (and,
by extension, any classes it is a member of), so access will be mediated
through accessors.

@roles=map {"Parrot $_"} qw(embedding regexen Configure)

>How do you "test" this 'God' to "prove" it is who it says it is?
"If you're God, you know exactly what it would take to convince me. Do
    --Marc Fleury on alt.atheism

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