Michael Lazzaro asked:

1) Complex types for sub parameters: The above would imply that a sub can tell the difference between an C<Array of int> vs an C<Array of str>, thank goodness. That also implies that you can use arbitrarily complex types, and still get the same type checking:

sub foo ( %pet is Hash of Array of Array of Hash of Array of Cat ) {...}



2) Multimethod dispatch: The text would seem to _IMPLY_ that you can perform multimethod dispatch based on complex types, but it isn't actually stated anywhere AFAICT. e.g.

  multi foo (@a is Array of str) {...}
  multi foo (@a is Array of int) {...}

... is it legal,


> and DWYM?

Depends WYM. ;-)

3) The edge point between explicitly typed and explicitly non-typed variables: If you pass an "untyped" array (or list?) to an explicitly typed array parameter, is the "untyped" array considered a unique case, or will it fail?

multi foo (@a is Array of int) {...}

  my int @a = baz();     # is Array of int
  my     @b = baz();     # is Array of Scalar

  foo(@a);    # @a is typed correctly, so OK
  foo(@b);    # @b is not explicitly typed as C<int>; OK or FAIL?



not (Array of Scalar).isa(Array of int)

Which in turn is because:

not Scalar.isa(int)

To extend the example a little further:

        multi Aoi (int @a)    {...}
        multi AoS (Scalar @a) {...}
        multi AoI (Int @a)    {...}

        my int @aoi;
        my     @aoS;
        my Int @aoI;

        Aoi(aoi);       # Okay  because  int.isa(int)
        Aoi(aoS);       # Fails because !Scalar.isa(int)
        Aoi(aoI);       # Fails because !Int.isa(int)

        AoS(aoi);       # Fails because !int.isa(Scalar)
        AoS(aoS);       # Okay  because  Scalar.isa(Scalar)
        AoS(aoI);       # Okay  because  Int.isa(Scalar)

        AoI(aoi);       # Fails because !int.isa(Int)
        AoI(aoS);       # Fails because !Scalar.isa(Int)
        AoI(aoI);       # Okay  because  Int.isa(Int)


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