Larry Wall wrote:
On Wed, Mar 19, 2003 at 01:07:32PM +1100, Damian Conway wrote:
: Larry wrote:
: > A file-scoped $_ could be considered a sort of a half-way house to full
: > signatured $_ semantics. You couldn't clobber some other module's $_,
: > but you still get a dynamically scoped $_ where naive users expect it.
: >
: > It's not a beautiful solution, but it might make the migration a lot
: > smoother. Something to be said for that...
: : Isn't that still going to break most translations? I mean, if a Perl 5
: method (that's being translated to Perl 6) refers to $_, it surely means : $CALLER::_, not $OUTER::_. So Perl 6 calls to it (typically from a : different file scope) won't provide the expected $_ anyway.

Most of the people treating $_ dynamically are doing it with subs
and not methods, I suspect.  That's where the policy is aimed.

I must be missing something here. I still don't see how this can work. I mean, if I write:

module Foo;

        sub foo1 {
                print "foo1: [$_]\n";

        sub foo2 is exported {
                print "foo1: [$_]\n";


Then, if I'm understanding correctly, those two $_ within the subs
would not be lexically scoped to the subs, but would be the implicit filescoped $_.

But that doesn't seem to help when I later use that module in another file:

use Foo;

        given 'bar' {
            foo1();        # prints: foo1=[]
            Foo::foo2();   # prints: foo2=[]

and get two nasty "undefined value in string interpolation" warnings as well. :-(


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