Hi all.

I note that quite often I find myself wanting to express agreement or
disagreement with some point made on the list, but without anything of
value to add other than a vote on the matter. When this happens I
usually ~try~ to bite my metaphorical tongue and just file the
information away while deleting the message, at least until I can
contribute meaningfully.

I wonder at times, however, if a simple vote of yea or nay might
actually count for something here. I know Larry and the design team are
lurking even when not interjecting, and I trust and admire their
collective judgement on these matters, and know that they will consider
all arguments, but that they will also consider opinions when there is
no overriding and conclusive reason to decide a matter one way or the
other. (Though I am damned *glad* that Larry is more interested in
what's good for me than in what I *think* is good for me, lol....)

I was just wondering if the occasional "me, too" was appropriate if I
feel strongly about something, but have nothing to actually *add* that
hasn't already been said. I really hate to spam a productive list. 

Any input or comments welcome, though you may feel free to email me
off-list if it's more appropriate. ;o]


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