> Luke Palmer:
> # The first thing I noticed was the == / eq distinction.  This 
> # has been invaluable for scripting, but since Perl 6 is 
> # desiring to be more of a formal language, I'm wondering 
> # whether the distinction is profitable. In generic programming 
> # (my specialty :), it is very useful to have a standard sort 
> # of equality[*] that all participating objects define.
> Your desired "standard sort of equality" is provided by smartmatch.
>       $a ~~ $b

Don't get too hasty here, I actually did put some thought into this.
Smart match was not what I was thinking of.  I don't think two hashes
should be considered equal if their key intersection is nonempty.

> # The solution that springs to mind is to conform to other 
> # languages' thought and make == polymorphically compare 
> # equality.  Thanks to context-forcing, the string/numeric 
> # distinction is still there, at the expense of a little extra 
> # verbosity:
> # 
> #     +$a == +$b;  # Numeric compare
> #     ~$a == ~$b;  # String compare
> #      $a ==  $b;  # Generic compare
> Conciseness and precision are lost.  What's gained?

I<One> solitary equality operator.  Remember, I'm considering this
from a generic programmer's point of view.  I'm already aware that the
== eq distinction is useful for scripting.

    class Map {
        method insert(Pair $p) {
            push @.elems: $p;
        method get($key) { 
            for (@.elems) { return $_.value if $_.key == $key }
        has Pair @.elems;

Or should that have been C<$_.key eq $key>?  It certainly shouldn't have
been ~~ (lest this work:)

    my Map $map;
    my @array = (1..5);
    my @other = (4..12);
    $map.insert(@array => 1);
    $map.get(@other);  # Returns 1 !!!

Whatever the array equality operator is, it sure isn't that! :)

Do you see the problem now?  If I use ==, then I get length
comparison.  If I use eq, then I get string comparison (which,
depending on the elements' types, may not be correct).

Map was just a coded example of what Hash has to do if it doesn't want
to be keyed by strings  (and that option is given in Perl 6).


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