On 5 Jul 2003, Luke Palmer wrote:

> >     return [EMAIL PROTECTED] $begin .. $end ];
> I fear that this might take a reference to each element in the slice,
> rather than a reference to the slice....

Yes, that would indeed return a list of refs in perl5. Can it also be
assumed that the magic hyper-operation of \() in perl5 will translated to
perl6, or (hopefully) will this behaviour become more explicit with
something like ^\() (is the carat still the hyper-operator character
btw?) ?

> Actually, you can't reference a slice!  Where the heck does the
> reference point?

Maybe this is a poor simile since references aren't pointers, but I would
imagine if references to slices were to exist they'd be something *like*
a pointer to a specific index in an array in C e.g

  #include <stdio.h>
  int main(void) {
    char *str = "a list of characters";
    char *p   = &str[2];

    return 0;


  list of characters

Of course this isn't directly orthogonal to a reference of an array slice
but hopefully it illustrates my point. Or perhaps this could all just be
simply implemented with a tie() or some other such magic. Just thinking
out loud here :)

Dan Brook

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