Larry Wall writes:
> Anyway, this all implies that use of a role as a method name defaults to
> returning whether the type in question matches the subtype.  That is,
> when you say
>     $foo.true
> it's asking whether the Boolean property fulfills the true constraint.
> When you say
>     $

So are you saying that, eg.

    class Something does Color {...}
    my Something $flib;

    if $  { print "Flib is red" }
    if $flib.true { print "Should be an error before now" }

Since Something doesn't Boolean, true would be a "method not found"

If that's the case, how do we attach out-of-band properties on objects
that don't expect them, but only some of them (as was the original
intent for properties, IIRC):

    my role onlyonced;
    sub onlyonce($arg is rw) {
        die "onlyonce called twice on the same value" if $arg.onlyonced;
        $arg but= onlyonced;

Either that doesn't work at all, because you get an "onlyonced not
found" error, or it works because onlyonced is a declared role.  But
in the latter case I worry about namespace pollution.

It's clear that I don't entirely understand all of this yet (er, as much
as there is to understand... yet).


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