--- "Adam D. Lopresto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been trying to follow the recent discussion on roles and
> properties and traits and such, but there's something that bugs me. 

I tried for weeks before I could download the "traits paper". I finally
got it this week, and it has clarified some stuff (good and bad).

> If I understand correctly, adding a role at runtime using but won't
> override any methods defined by the class itself (but it will 
> override inherited methods).

I think this is (or should be) false.

Traits added to a class cannot conflict (per the paper and $Larry), but
traits added at run-time would be a different category. Larry said
something about dynamic derivation of a singleton class, etc.

>  But then if I create a class that has its own method of saying 
> whether it's true or not, does that mean that "but true" and "but 
> false" won't do anything to it?

There's the rub, eh? If you define a trait, say "Deaf", that is
intended to supercede normal behavior:

  my $Grandma is NicePerson but Deaf;

then it doesn't work. That sort of runtimeness has to be allowed for

One way, obviously, is to make run-time and compile-time separate, but
that doesn't work (see prior messages on mod-perl, etc).

Another way is declaration (class) versus dynamic composition

Another way (not orthogonal, btw) would be Larry's notion of declaring
what you intend to screw up.

> class Complex {
> has $.real;
> has $.imag;
> ...
> #Actually, how do we define this?
> method asBoolean(Complex $self:){
>     return $self.real || $self.imag;
> }
> ...
> then somewhere in a function
>     return Complex::new(0,0) but true;

Alternatively, think of the "simple" properties not as C<trait>
specifications, but as method overrides.

In this case, we're dynamically modifying the method table for the
object (i.e., dynamically creating a class) such that a given method
behaves the way we want:

  macro true { 
    "&.asBoolean { return 1; }" 

  Complex::new(0,0) but true;


  Complex::new(0,0) but &.asBoolean { return 1; }

(This is syntactic sugar, not a real macro, because it couldn't handle
the C<if $complex.true> form. Maybe a better macro programmer?)

> Since Complex already has an implementation of whatever method
> decides whether it's true or not, wouldn't just applying a property 
> be insufficient to override that?

That would be pointless, wouldn't it?


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