>>>>> "LW" == Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  LW> This would be relatively straightforward for syntax highlighters,
  LW> I think.  But Perl 6 will throw other curves at highlighters that
  LW> will be much more difficult to solve, such as the fact that any
  LW> C<use> potentially changes the subsequent syntax.  Even an operator
  LW> declaration changes the subsequent syntax.  Making things easy for
  LW> syntax highlighters is not a primary design goal for Perl 6--in this
  LW> Perl will remain the AntiLisp.

and don't forget that since p6 will use the <perl> grammar to parse
perl, that will be available to syntax highlighters. no more wacko
heuristics and broken colors (i don't use them anyway. i can parse code
just fine with b&w :)  depending on what the <perl> grammar produces
there might be some extra processing needed.

as for use changing the subsequent syntax, run the grammar with a -c
like option so those modules will get loaded and affect the generated
syntax tree.

another benefit of using the perl rules is that when changes are made to
the <perl> grammar, all highlighter which use it will be automatically
upgraded. they may have to add stuff for things which have new 'syntax


Uri Guttman  ------  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -------- http://www.stemsystems.com
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