Smylers writes:
> > ... It's almost getting to the point where we want to allow
> > disambiguating underscores in operators: >>_+<_<<.  Alternately we
> > give up on <<>> as a qw// replacement and allow spaces: >> +< <<.
> How about going back to what you originally decreed in Apocalypse 2,
> that the replacement for:
>   qw<Statler Waldorf>
> will simply be:
>   <Statler Waldorf>
> I think your reasoning, that using up a perfectly good set of brackets
> for input is a waste, still stands.  It's also among the things people
> new to Perl find the most confusing, compared to an explicitly named
> function or method that they might expect for input; I don't think
> there'd be the same problem with something called C<read> or C<get> or
> C<getline> or C<input> or C<from> or C<line> or C<chunk> or C<data>.

I feel uneasy about that.  <foo> is not just input, it's iteration.  You
say <$iter> to grab the next element of the iterator (or all remaining
elements in list context).   Using C<read> for that would be more than a
little awkward.

> You describe as "likely" that in common situations no operator or
> function name will be needed anyway -- do you still think that's the
> case?
> (I also note that if people are really attached to the special case of
> empty C<< <> >> meaning 'read from files named in C<@ARG> or from stdin
> if C<@ARG> is empty', that could be left in, since it doesn't at all
> conflict with putting something inside the pointies to quote them.  But
> I'm still not keen on that.)
> Or how about using backticks for quoting words:
>   my @person = `Statler Waldorf`;
> Running shell commands and retrieving their output is also fairly rare,
> and doesn't really need special quote-symbol-using operator --
> especially when compared to the C<system> command, which manages to do
> something quite similar as a mere named function.  (Having them both as
> named functions might also reduce the incidences of people grabbing the
> command's output when they didn't mean to.)

Hmm.  Although I love the visual appeal of << quote words >>, this would
be pretty nice for keeping from overloading << >> too much.  And then
spaces would be allowed around hyper operators, which is a huge plus.

I'm starting to reconsider my position on Larry's proposal, though.  The
one-sided hyper operators are nice, but they don't buy us anything
semantically (being disambiguatable with a unary + most of the time).
And while they "feel good" syntactically, they seem to complicate
matters -- matters most everyone was liking -- into oblivion.

It's also something to note that for a language which allows you to make
your own operators, it has an extremely brittle syntax.  I don't think
any of us want what "fixing" that will do.

> > But we also have the ambiguity with <<'' and friends, so maybe the
> > real problem is trying to make the << and >> workarounds look too much
> > like  and Â.  Maybe they should be :<< and :>> or some such.  Maybe
> > we should be thinking about a more general trigraph (shudder) policy.
> If you go along those lines then implementing (some of) those in RFC1345
> would at least avoid inventing yet another set of symbols.  They are
> reasonably mnemonic ("<<" does indeed stand for "Â"), so you'd only need
> to pick designate the colon (or backtick or whatever) as the
> digraph-designator and what follows is anything in that RFC.
> That also has the advantage that 'Vim' users only need to learn one set
> of mappings from digraphs to non-Ascii characters, thereby providing a
> memorable upgrade path: people without the appropriate symbols have to
> learn to type things such as these in Perl:
>   :<<
>   :*X
>   :.M
> if they upgrade their terminal/fonts/whatever then they can now insert
> the actual characters, and they can use the digraphs they've already
> learnt, simply pressing Ctrl+K instead of colon:
>   Ctrl+K <<    Â
>   Ctrl+K *X    Ã
>   Ctrl+K .M    Â
> I of course realize that not everybody uses 'Vim', but it is an RFC, and
> possibly in use elsewhere too.

Everyone who counts uses vim :-)


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