Here's my stab at a sort syntax, pulling syntax over from REs:

 <== sort key:ri($_->[2]), key:s($_->[4])
 <== @in;

Basicly, you have a list of RE syntax like C<key> values, whilch take various modifiers to say how to play with that key, and then an expr on how to generate the key given element $_.

Possible modifiers: (verbose versions welcome)
:r    reverse/descending
:n   force numeric comparisons
:s  force string comparisons (default)
:u  unicode (implies :s)
:i   case insensitive (implies :s)
:l   localized collation order
:x  call custom compare sub (a la P5)

This allows:

@out = sort keys %hash; # everything gets defaulted
@out = sort key:x{myfunc($a) cmp myfunc($b)}(), @in; # handy for P5 migration, but not much else
@out = sort key(myfunc($_)), @in; # same as above, but much better.
@out = sort key(%lookup{$_->{remotekey}}), key:ir($_->{priority}), @in; # complex in P5, easy here.

- Uses syntax idioms used elsewhere in P6.
- Common cases are easy
- Decent huffman coding.

- Do we really want things that look like REs that are not REs?
- If we do this, are we setting ourselves up to create other RE-like creatures for grep, for, etc, to the point
where people will start wanting to roll their own in modules?

-- Rod

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