On Thu, 2004-02-26 at 14:26, Larry Wall wrote:

> ch26/011.cf   Examples encoded with =also for|begin|end POD commands
> ch26/044      Bring Documentation Closer To Whatever It Documents
> ch26/065      Add change bar functionality to pod
> ch26/079      The Predefined POD Streams are C<perl>, C<data>, and C<doc>
> ch26/216      POD should tolerate white space.
> ch26/217      POD needs a reorder command.
> ch26/280      Tweak POD's CE<lt>E<gt> 
> ch26/286      Add a "emit pod" runtime option to Perl
> ch26/306      User-definable POD handling
> ch26/325      POD and comments handling in perl
> ch26/357      Perl should use XML for documentation instead of POD
>     POD definitely needs some tweaks, some of which we've already
>     published.  What it doesn't need is to be turned into TeX or XML.

Well, I failed to avoid scanning through this until tonight (bad Aaron,
do work!), and I noticed this.

I just want to emphatically agree! POD has really taken root anywhere
that I've planted it BECAUSE it is so simple and so easy to use. People
fire up vi or notepad and edit a POD document where any other form of
editing would have posed a mental hurdle. I'd love to see POD become
more compact vertically (e.g. not as much reliance on blank lines), and
also a better implementation of X and L, but other than that I think POD
is a wonderful format and one of the strenghts of the Perl distribution.

Aaron Sherman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Senior Systems Engineer and Toolsmith
"It's the sound of a satellite saying, 'get me down!'" -Shriekback

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