Austin Hastings skribis 2004-04-15 18:09 (-0400):
> If we're going to entertain alternatives, why not use % as the hash
> subscriptor?
> To borrow from another thread:
>   %foo%monday%food = 10;
>   %foo%monday%travel = 100;
>   %foo%tuesday%food = 10;
>   %foo%tuesday%travel = 150;

There is as far as I know no technical reason to not do this. But I do
dislike fat operators without whitespace. I dislike that as much as I
would dislike using whitespace around a subscripting operator.

> This has the advantage of ensuring that the hash-marker [1] appears in every
> hash reference, and doubles up on the "path weight" of a single character,
> for really good Huffman.

%foo is a hash. When I see %foo%bar, it feels like that should be a hash
too. Besides that, $foo%bar looks funny and @[EMAIL PROTECTED] does so even more.
Not to mention @[EMAIL PROTECTED] I like ` because it's a small but
recognisable glyph. (And because of its location on most keyboards.)


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