> Austin Hastings wrote:

> >    my int $i = ...; # Fails at compile time -- no good conversion.
> > 
> >    my Int $i = ...; # Warns at compile time, fails at runtime.
> I don't get the reasoning here. If Yada Yada Yada is to indicate code 
> that you haven't written yet, it should never fail at compile time 
> unless it's impossible to compile the program without knowing what that 
> code is, so
> my int $i = ...;
> should compile. The problem would arise when you actually tried to run 
> that particular bit of code, which may well look to Parrot like 'die 
> horribly'.

Or. not so horribly.  If I'm in the perl debugger, I'd want that to be a breakpoint
and give me the option to type in a evaluable string to replace it.  So it should 
throw a properly marked exception that an outer context can do something

Mark Biggar

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