On Tue, 22 Jun 2004, Juerd wrote:

> Michele Dondi skribis 2004-06-22 18:24 (+0200):
> >   rename -v => 1, $orig, $new;
> Any specific reason for the minus there? Perl's not a shell (yet).

Because one may want to restrict the number of pairs to be interpreted as 
"cmd line" switches, I'm not even sure that the minus sign would be the 
best choice in this sense, but it wouldn't be so bad either, since it 
already strongly suggests that meaning because of the shell analogy... 

But seriously this (Godwin's law) painting one's rhetorical
opponents as Nazis is an odious and verminous ploy normally used,
as here, to mask the intellectual bankruptcy of one's arguments.
- Robin Chapman in sci.math, "Die Petry, die: was Re: Die Cantor Die"

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