This is yet another proposal that is probably a few years late. I've had 
some (admittedly limited) experience with S-Lang in the past: the language 
has currently a syntax that resembles much that of C but was originally 
designed to be strongly stack-based and still is behind the scenes, a 
consequence of which is that it supports an (undocumented, AFAIK!) 
alternative RPN syntax.

Now Perl is not like that, although internally Perl5's bytecode is 
stack-based, whereas it's known that Perl6's one will be register-based.

However I wonder if an implicit stack could be provided for return()s into 
void context. It is well known that currently split() in void context has 
the bad habit of splitting into @_, which is the reason why doing that is 
deprecated. But it's somewhat anomalous amongst perl's functions I'd say.

To be fair I've *never* felt the need to have a stack like that in Perl,
but who knows? It may come handy in some cases...

Any thoughts?
> Comments should say _why_ something is being done.
Oh?  My comments always say what _really_ should have happened. :)
- Tore Aursand on comp.lang.perl.misc

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