Please configure your email client correctly.

(I'm surprised that the message was accepted, even)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] skribis 2004-06-25 13:38 (-0000):
>  I have a wish for Perl6. I think it would be nice to have the possibility
>  for more than one modifier after a simple statement.

Has been discussed more than once already. Please read the older
messages first.[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg27900.html

>    print $a+$b if $a if $b for 1..3;

The double if doesn't make a lot of sense. What's wrong with "and"?

print $a + $b if $a and $b for 1..3;

Or, with just one statement modifier, as "if" is just a fancy "and" (or
vice versa):

$a and $b and print $a + $b for 1..3;


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