Alexey Trofimenko writes:
> >Arguably, the :shiftÂvalue syntax makes it easier to quote both
> >sides of a pair, so perhaps there's a little less need for an
> >autoquoting =>.  But I think that generating non-quoted keys for
> >subscripting happens a lot more often than non-quoted keys for pairs,
> >so I'm inclined to leave the autoquoting of => in for now.
> >
> >Larry
> strange, but :shiftÂvalue looks a little more noisy to me than shift =>  
> 'value',

For some reason, it looks that way to me, too.  Perhaps:

    :shift value Â

I *think* that's better...

> oh.. I have a question.
> in
>  %hash := { :keyÂvalue :key2Âvalue :key3}
> there's no need to put comma between, right?


> I wonder about mixed synax:
>  %hash = ( :keyÂvalueÂ
>            :key2ÂvalueÂ
>            :key3
>            key4 => 'value',
>            'key5','value',
>            Âkey6 value key7 value )
> Did I make mistakes here?

I don't think so.

> if all was right, than I can figure that :key Âvalue (with whitespace
> between) is outlawed..  Bad Thing for people who like to write pairs
> in columns.

Well, not necessarily:

    :foo   bar   Â
    :ziph  zam   Â
    :split spork Â

Although I'll admit that looks a little strange.  Anyway, I suspect I'll
still be writing hashes perl5-style, while I'll use the new style for
named arguments.

> ah.. sorry about messing up all question in one post, but I have one more:)
> if key could be of any type, not only strings, than what will be with  
> numeric keys? would they be converted to strings automatically?

It's Perl: what's the difference?


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