Larry Wall wrote:
I suppose another approach is simply to declare that dot is always a
metacharacter in double quotes, and you have to use \. for a literal
dot, just as in regexen.  That approach would let us interpolate
things like .foo without a variable on the left.  That could cause
a great deal of cultural confusion in the short term, however.

Ouch.  I'm thinking we allow $ in both strings and regexen, but
not .bar in either case.  Gotta use $ inside strings and regexen.
(Or $(.bar) would work too.)  Possibly we even complain about /.bar/
and force them to write /. bar/.

Please, think of C<say "This is a sentence. This is another sentence.";>. Dots with whitespace or end-of-string after them should just be literal dots in qq strings. Dots should always be literals in q() strings, of course. And dots are /already/ metacharacters in regex^Wrules; forcing a space after the dot isn't giving the power of formatting to the user; it's forcing formatting upon them that they don't want. (I don't remember if there's an adverb to treat spaces as literals, but if not, there should be.)

I think method calls in strings should be "Foo's bar is $($", plain and simple. Dot is too useful here already. @{[...]} needed to be replaced with something easier to type, and with clearer (and cleaner) semantics. We did that; $(...) is far better. Not requiring a set off for method calls is Huffman coding the wrong direction, unless you can find one that won't disturb useful things that you'd want in double-quotes -- which includes patterns common in any natural language, which includes even the literal versions of << / >> (which I can't type easily at the moment).

-=- James Mastros

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