On Fri, 2004-07-16 at 12:10 -0400, Jonadab the Unsightly One wrote:
> Austin Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Half of all numbers in [0, Inf) are in the range [Inf/2, Inf). Which
> > collapses to the range [Inf, Inf). 
> It's not that simple.  By that reasoning, 10% of all numbers in
> [0,Inf) would be in [Inf/10,Inf), also reducing to the range
> [Inf,Inf).

As a lurking mathematician on the list, I thought that it might be
insightful to offer some comments at this point.  Apologies in advance
if I'm repeating something that happened at the beginning of the thread.

Once you start talking about non-finite sets of numbers, percentages
start to become amusingly meaningless.  Classic examples: the set of
integers and the set of positive integers have the same size; there are
as many points on the perimeter of a square as there are in its

For many of the same underlying reasons, it's quite impossible to have a
flat random probability distribution across the integers (or reals, for
that matter).

Hardware people are lazy, and have given us only a finite number of bits
to work with.  So, that gives us an excuse to be lazy as well in the
non-Bignum case: if the list is known in advance to be infinite, then we
just take C<rand(@x)> to be a flat distribution over the range of the
double, or whatever Perl is using for such things.  It's not like people
will be able to access any other elements in the array ;-).  If the
array size is unknown, and the programmer doesn't want to risk
accidental heat death, I see no problem with C<rand(@x,$lower,$upper)>
for those cases; i.e., if the size of the array appears to be larger
than abs($lower) and abs($upper), then we fall back to using those

People using C<rand(Inf)> with Bignums deserve to be spanked. :)  A
graceful solution in that case would be to interpret that as C<tan(rand
(pi/2))*exp(pi*tan(rand(pi)))>, or better yet, C<tan(rand(pi))*exp
(pi*tan(rand(pi)))>, since that roughly reflects what humans will do
when you ask them for a random real number (mouth off some random digits
and multiply by a "random" power of 10).  Besides, there's always C<abs>
if people can't stomach C<rand(Inf)> returning negative numbers.  If
they're using Bignums, they also ought to be savvy enough to figure out
some other distribution if desired.*


*If people think C<rand(Inf)> should only return positive things, I'm
fine with that.  It's just annoying to have to type C< * (int(rand

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