On Thu, Jul 22, 2004 at 02:48:59PM -0600, Luke Palmer wrote:
: JOSEPH RYAN writes:
: > When I think about your description of xxx, I 
: > summarized it in my head as "Call a coderef a certain
: > number of times, and then collect the results."  
: > That's pretty much what map is, except that xxx is 
: > infix and map is prefix.
: > 
: > 
: >     @results =     { ... } xxx 100;
: >     @results = map { ... } 1.. 100;
: >     
: > Doesn't seem that special to me.
: And adding to that the definition of a unary hyper operator:
:     [EMAIL PROTECTED] == map { §$_ } @list
: It seems that the rand problem could be solved this way:
:     my @nums = rand« (100 xx 100);

The rand function may be a bad example, since it's by nature a
generator, and you should maybe have to work harder to get a single
value out of it.  We haven't really said what <$fh> xx 100 should do,
for instance.  I guess the real question is whether xx supplies a
list context to its left argument (and whether rand pays attention
to list context).  These might produce very different results:

    @foo = (rand);
    @bar = (+rand);

On the other hand, history has rand producing a scalar, so arguably we
should stick with that.


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