On Fri, Sep 03, 2004 at 09:29:36AM -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
> : If so, and
> : based on the parameterization above, I assume that there will also be
> : the appropriate pointer arithmetic such that if $fido is declared as a
> : ref[Dog] and pointed at an array of Dogs, then $fido++ will move to the
> : next Dog in the array. Something like this:
> : 
> :     my Dog @pound;
> :     my ref[Dog] $fido;
> :     # after we've populated the @pound with Dogs ...
> :     loop ($fido = @pound[0]; ?$fido; $fido++) {
> :        $fido.bark();                
> :     }
> I don't see any more reason to allow that in Perl 6 than in Perl 5.

heh, that answers that then. I was trying to put on a "I'm a C coder and
I want to write perl as C" hat, but I guess the answer is "learn perl!"

> : Is there some other syntax to get a compact array of things?  Do I
> : need an attribute on the array?
> I don't know what you mean by "of things".

If "my int @foo" makes a compact array of ints, is there a way to make a
compact array of Dog? (Does it even make sense?) And if so, does it look
like "my Dog @foo" or must there be some other syntax to declare it?

> I picked it only because that's what the PDL folks came up with
> in their series of RFCs after their own round of discussions.
> That doesn't mean we can't change it if we do come up with something
> better.  But I rather like shape.  It's short, and not easily confused
> with other Perl 6 concepts.

Works for me.

Jonathan Scott Duff

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