On Fri, 2004-09-03 at 20:08, Larry Wall wrote:

> Arrays with explicit ranges don't use the
> minus notation to count from the end.  We probably need to come up
> with some other notation for the beginning and end indexes.  But it'd
> be nice if that were a little shorter than:
>     @ints.shape[0].beg
>     @ints.shape[0].end
> Suggestions?  Maybe we just need integers with "whence" properties... :-)

Actually, what you had in Perl 5, was essentially:

        $x[-1] == reverse(@x)[0]

In Perl 6, this is actually workable because of the lazy evaluation of
reverse, so if you simply re-name reverse to "rev" as a list method for

        my int @ints is shape(-10..10);
        @ints.rev[-10]; # assuming that @x.rev retains shape

And as someone pointed out:


if you had an abs that strips away shape.

All that being said, I think that this (shape) is a dangerous idea at
best. If used, it should probably specify a length ONLY:

        my int @ints is shape(10)

and in that light, I think it would best be renamed to "length" or

Specifying the origin should be left to $[... that is, left out.

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