On Fri, 27 Aug 2004, Luke Palmer wrote:

> >     $downcaserule = 'A-Z' => 'a-z';
> >     $l33trule = 'EISTA' => '31574';
> >     $str =~ tr( { $l33trule, $downcaserule } );
> > 
> > may or may not do what the naive reader expects, and randomly so!
> or not.  the point is that it's only undefined for certain
> implementations, and if we're smart, we'll use an implementation for
> which it is not undefined.

Well, there is already a Perl5 modules that implements hashes preserving 
the order of the keys. So there will likely be one in Perl6 too, but I 
wonder wether there could be a builtin trait for this instead, with the 
obvious caveat that it will yield a less efficient implementation. I mean 
something like

  my %hash is ordered;

> Math, astrophysics, and quantum mechanics used to be fun.  Time to
> move on... maybe a long hike in the woods.
Maybe now you've sorted that out, you could go on to solve the problems of
abnormal psychology. There are still many unresolved issues there.
- "Dave" in sci.math,sci.astro, "Re: Math is no longer fun"

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