Aaron Sherman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Thu, 2004-09-09 at 13:14, Larry Wall wrote:
>> So whereas Ruby's syntax actually tends to push you toward .each
>> iterators, Perl 6's syntax will be fairly neutral on the subject,
>> or maybe biased every so slightly away from method iteration by the
>> width of about one character:
>>     for @foo { ... }
>>     @foo.each:{ ... }
>> But then, a good Ruby programmer would have put a space where there's
>> a colon anyway, so maybe it's a wash.  If I wanted to make it even
>> I'd pick something shorter than "each", I suppose.  Except "all" is
>> already taken.  I suppose there's something to be said for:
>>     @foo.for:{ ... }
>         act any are ask cog cue did ere for get got has hop jet job kin
>         let map mix net now one ore per pro put run set tag
> I won't describe why I think each one would be appropriate, since if
> it's not obvious, it's a bad choice ;-)

I find myself wondering if this is going to allow people to write
smalltalk style method selectors...

   @foo.inject:0 into: -> $accum, $each { $accum + $each }

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