On Fri, Sep 17, 2004 at 07:35:46PM +0100, Richard Proctor wrote:
: Therefore should:
:  $?os Be which operating system it is being compiled on
:  $*os Be which operating system it is being executed on
: Some of the other special variables may have a similar dual personality.

Presumably.  Which presents an interesting problem, because we
currently have things defined like $*PID, not $*pid.  Either we
have to lowercase the $* variables, or uppercase the $? variables,
or decide that it's okay for them to be different.  It's probably
important to keep $*PID uppercase because of the way they can leak into
any other namespace as $PID.  The same does not hold true for $?line.
On the other hand, people are used to __LINE__ already, so maybe $?LINE
isn't so bad, and lights up better as a weird unit with a rectangular
shape, something you might see as a funny symbol in a macro assembler.
Which is more or less what it is.

I originally made them lowercase because they were $=line variables
and I didn't want them to conflict with POD names that are typically
uppercase, and use of an C<=> secondary sigil for POD is a no-brainer.
But that no longer applies when they have their own ssigil, or sigil2,
or 2igil.  I guess that would be pronounce "twidgle".


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