On Mon, Nov 08, 2004 at 12:32:11AM +0100, Juerd wrote:
> Hurrah, even more use of ÂÂ. But that is okay, as I have nearly half of
> my terminals configured now, so that I can input and view them.

Excellent!  As soon as you have the other half configured you'll be
ready for perl6 (and by that time it'll be here!  :-)

> I don't understand why it is needed, though. Why wasn't infix:+ good
> enough?
> infix:Â+Â and infix:{'+'} are more linenoise, and IMHO it's far from
> elegant.

It eliminates the hackish division of circumfix operators by making
each side explicit.  This is an improvement if you ask me.

The only use of ïï that really bothers me is as one of the secondary

    $*foo       # a truly global global (in every package)
    $^foo       # an autodeclared parameter variable
    $.foo       # a public attribute
    $:foo       # a private attribute
    $?foo       # a compiler variable
    $=foo       # a POD variable
    $ïfooï  # a rule-scoped variable

That last one just doesn't fit with the others.  I'd prefer something
like $~foo if I had a say.

Jonathan Scott Duff

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