On Thu, 2004-11-25 at 05:29, Michele Dondi wrote:
> <OT>
> On Wed, 24 Nov 2004, David Ross wrote:
> > I have been studying PERL 5 core and modules to identify options and
> > issues for meta-architectures and automated code generation. PERL 6
> > documents and discussion provide insight essential to effectively using
> > PERL 5 and preparing for PERL 6.
> [snip]
> > developing in PERL struggling to catch up. The conceptual and concrete
> Funny to notice how you could study PERL{5,6} so much still failing to 
> realize that there's not such a thing as "PERL". See
>    perldoc -q 'difference between "perl" and "Perl"'

Thanks for pointing that out. Its been a long time since I have looked
at that part of the documentation. If I was asked to name one thing that
maOur fearless leader's :-) training in linquistics. Its all about

I just read the output from perldoc, proably for the first time. It
makes perfect sense, but I help liking anything "pathologically eclectic
..." better.

> No offense intended,
> Michele

Non-taken. Its not uncommon for me to make entertaining errors. I am a
spell checker junky. Details are important, if you want to avoid the
devil(s) hiding there in.

I did say I was struggling to catch up and was not even certain my
comment/question would be considered relevant. Having some confirmation
that I am "getting it" is good.



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