Alexey Trofimenko writes:

> But we have no need in qx either. Why to  introduce (or REintroduce)
> something if we have something similar already?
>       $captured = system :capture q/cmd../;

Or even calling the function C<run>, as per Larry's April mail that Luke

> I haven't that long unix background, and spawning processes is a very
> *fat* operation for me.. maybe after year or two I'll change my point
> of  view, but for now I would be pretty happy with a 'slurp' variant.
> IMHO,  spawning processes has nothing to do with other quoters, and
> perl already  went far away from shells.

I've got a sufficient Unix background that I find it awkward to use
Windows, and I completely agree with you.  Also, there are many
instances of people using backticks or C<qx> when what they meant was


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