Larry Wall wrote:

<>On Sat, Dec 04, 2004 at 08:55:00PM -0600, Rod Adams wrote:
: $x ==<$foo>; # $x == <$foo>; $x = =<$foo>;
: @x <==<$foo>; # @x <= =<$foo>; @x <== <$foo>;
: $x//=<$foo>; # $x // =<$foo>; $x //= <$foo>;
: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; # $x ** [EMAIL PROTECTED]; $x **= @y;

In each of those cases the longest-token rule comes into effect.
That's not only consistent, but standard CompSci for the last 30 years
or so. The only person who will get burned on those is someone who
insists on *not* putting whitespace in front of unary = when it would
be ambiguous. I have negative sympathy for such people.

<>Well said!

Although I by no means dispute that longest token rule is a long term standard in language design, I will claim that many programmers, including myself before this, are unaware of it.

So I will now change my concerns to:
"The longest-token rule needs to be mentioned in S03, and explained in a future perlop.pod."

-- Rod Adams

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