On Mon, Dec 06, 2004 at 08:26:48PM +0100, Stéphane Payrard wrote:
: S2:
:     my $foo = 42;
:     say %MY::<$foo>;    # prints "42"
: S6:
:      Perl5ish subroutine declarations
:          ...
:          sub say { print qq{"@_"\n}; }   # args appear in @_
: Because C<print> has no final newline, I would expect C<say> will have
: one.  Final newline or not. What is your say?

Yes, the built-in C<say> certainly adds a newline.  That's the only thing
that distinguishes it from C<print>.  The comment in S2 is misleading,
but you shouldn't ever believe the comments anyway.  :-)

Or the Subject line.  Yours seems to have suffered a bitflip somewhere...


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