James Mastros wrote:

Juerd wrote:

Just typing "my " before the first use of a variable isn't hard, and it
makes things much clearer for both the programmer and the machine.

Does this imply that it's now possible to type C<my @foo[23] = 42;>, and declare @foo? In the current perl, this doesn't work -- it's a syntax error. It'd certainly make many constructs easier.

I see why that's an error. It can be very confusing.... In literal fashion you are attempting to make the 24th element of @foo lexical, and having some elements of @foo have different scope from the rest is a bad idea.

However, I have also been bitten by that rather frequently, though with a different construct. Typically it's with hash slices:


my %newhash;
@[EMAIL PROTECTED] = @[EMAIL PROTECTED]; # Okay, but not as convienent.

This was part of the reason I spawned this thread. But it was also due to being in the middle of trying to write some decent quality code under a heavy time pressure, and noticed that >50% of my lines had a 'my' on them. It's typically not that high of a percentage, but when you are creating lots of small utility routines, declaring all your lexicals can be a significant part of the task. I added to this the observation that lexical variables are significantly more common than non-lexicals, and thought out loud as to why I was doing more work for the common case than the uncommon case, in a language that generally doesn't have that problem.

One of the other reasons in favor of the idea was aesthetic.

# stuff which declares $x, $z, and $q

$x = 4;
my $y = 7;
$z = 12;
my $r = 4543;
$q = 121;

compared to:

# stuff which declares $x, $z, and $q

$x = 4;
$y = 7;
$z = 12;
$r = 4543;
$q = 121;

With a fixed width font, like all code editors use, all the =' like up, and I can quickly scan the var names to get to the one I want to change at that moment. Yes, I could have added a 'my ($y, $r);' to the front of the list, but that's adding another statement to the mix, same as the hash slice above, adding considerably more weight to 'my' than just three keystrokes (m - y - space).

However, given the strong opposition (with merits) to this in other responses, I am willing to live with it the P5 way. Just seemed like autolexicals was rather DWIMish.

Another facet of this discussion comes into account when also specifying type.

from S9:
 my bit @bits;
 my int @ints;
 my num @nums;
 my int4 @nybbles;
 my str @buffers;
 my ref[Array] @ragged2d;
 my complex128 @longdoublecomplex;

Wouldn't this be much better as:
 bit @bits;
 int @ints;
 num @nums;
 int4 @nybbles;
 str @buffers;
 ref[Array] @ragged2d;
 complex128 @longdoublecomplex;

Given that most of the stated reservations had to deal with explicit declaration better defining scope, what is wrong with drooping the my in this case?

-- Rod Adams

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