On Fri, Feb 04, 2005 at 10:39:30PM +0100, Juerd wrote:
: Does this make sense?
:     my @words = gather {
:         for =(open '/usr/share/dict/words' err die) {
:             .=chomp;
:             next if /<-[a-z]>/;
:             /$re/ and take { word => $_, score => %scores{ .letters }.sum };
:         }
:     } ==> sort { .<score> } is descending, { .<word>.length }, { .<word> };

The other problem with this that = binds tighter than ==> does.  Once you
start with pipes you probably want to stick with pipes:

    gather {...} ==>
        sort {...} ==>
            my @words;


    my @words <==
        sort {...} <==
            gather {...};

or just go back to the tried and true:

    my @words =
        sort {...}
            gather {...};


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