On Wed, Feb 16, 2005 at 10:12:43PM -0800, Larry Wall wrote:
: On Wed, Feb 16, 2005 at 10:07:34PM -0800, chromatic wrote:
: : On Wed, 2005-02-16 at 08:54 -0800, David Wheeler wrote:
: : 
: : > And what of .c#?
: : 
: : It's an alias for .java.
: I'm sorry, but neither of those is powerful enough to represent Perl
: data structures.  ;-)

Actually, I'm thinking we should just go with a single method and
have it merely default to :lang<Perl>.  But .repr is rather ugly.
How 'bout .pretty instead?  If we made the language the first optional
argument you could have $x.pretty('Lisp'), $x.pretty('C#'), etc.

How long before someone writes $x.ugly('Python'), I wonder...


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