On Mon, Mar 07, 2005 at 02:20:47PM -0800, David Storrs wrote:
: Yes, I know.  That's what I meant by "...arrays are objects...(sort
: of)."  They are objects in the sense that they are sort of references
: and sort of not and that they have behavior built into them
: (e.g. C<.length>). They won't actually have a class (I don't
: think...type Array is not the same as a hypothetical class Array,
: right?), but otherwise they quack awfully much like an object.

No, they're real objects.  (Though it's .elems rather than .length, since
we've banished the "l" word from our vocabulary.)

: > another thing that may surprise you (it still surprises me, somehow):
: > 
: >     sub bar($x, $y, $z) { ... }
: >           # ^ note x is scalar here!
: > 
: >     my @coords = (1.0, 3.0, 5.0);
: >     bar(@coords); # wrong
: >                   # x => [EMAIL PROTECTED], y => undef, z => undef
: > 
: >     bar([EMAIL PROTECTED]); # ok
: Yep, I am pretty sure that's going to trip me up endlessly for the
: first 6 months or so.  
: To be perfectly honest, there are steadily more things I don't like
: about the way Perl 6 is going, especially when it comes to signatures.
: They are excessively verbose, they lead to (what I think is, and what
: I suspect most Perl 5 programmers will think is) weird behavior like
: that described above, and the type system feels like a straitjacket.
: I know all these features are optional, but they WILL be used, which
: means I have to know them so that I can maintain other people's code.
: Essentially, it feels like we're turning our beautiful language into
: something that has all the fun of Java but without Sun's marketing
: budget.
: But, every time I find myself thinking these things I take a deep
: breath, put my faith in Larry, and assume that it will work out--I
: really do have an amazing degree of faith in his ability to pull off
: miracles.  Hopefully, after I have a chance to play with the
: production version of P6 for a while, all of these things that
: currently seem like effluent will start to see like useful tools.

And I have put my faith in the Perl community, and assume it will work
out, because I have an amazing degree of faith in the ability of the
community to recognize the real effluent and avoid it.  :-)

: Fingers crossed,

Niy ygsy ,sjra uy s ;py gsefre yp ytor///


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