Juerd wrote:

Rod Adams skribis 2005-03-12 17:41 (-0600):

Why not just rename C< sprintf > to C< format > and ditch printf and sayf?

Because format is almost as much typing as sprintf, and in many circumstances needs both parens and quotes:

   format("%03d %15s", $foo, $bar), $baz, ...

compared to

f/%03d %15s/$foo, $bar/, $baz, ...

Well, I use s?printf extensively in my code, and IMO, it's about the right level of huffmanization. C< .as() > seems to nicely take care of the cases where C< sprintf > is too heavy.

Also, on second thought, don't ditch C< printf >. I use it too much. But I don't see a need for C< sayf >. If you're going through the effort of supplying a pattern, you can type the "\n".

What's always bothered me about s?printf was that it was doing something roughly similar to RE's: describing a string pattern, but used a completely different syntax. Admittedly, it's working in the other direction, generation, not parsing, but they still seem terribly far apart at that. But I haven't thought enough about it to offer a proposal on the subject.

-- Rod Adams

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