On Thu, Mar 17, 2005 at 10:31:07PM -0600, Rod Adams wrote:
: Aaron Sherman wrote:
: >>Methods on numeric values (should be defined as pseudo-methods on
: >>unboxed numbers):
: >>
: >>       chr
: >>       hex
: >>oct
: >>   
: >>
: >
: >Sigh... well, now I know what Ctrl-Return does in Evolution :-/
: >
: >Ok, so what I was getting at was that the above three are methods on
: >numbers.
: >
: True, but they are not math functions. They are Num <--> Str 
: conversions, and I haven't figured out where to put those yet.

oct and hex are arguably misnamed, since most functions are named by
what they produce, not by what they take as input.  I don't know what
the replacement should be, though.  Maybe it's not worth fixing.

: C<do filename> I'll tackle at the same time as C<eval>. It's likely 
: staying in some form. I use it from time to time when I'm patching 
: together several automation scripts. (Remember that Perl gets used for 
: the quick and dirty as well as the big and elegant.)

But probably huffmanized to something longer like "evalfile".

: >>undef
: >>   
: >>
: >
: >How will undef($x) and $x=undef compare in p6? Has that been covered? I
: >have a vague memory, but nothing swimming to the surface.
: > 
: >
: I think they're the same, but I really don't know.

Yes, they're muchly the same.  I made some rumblings about undef being
smart about list context, though, so that @foo = undef ends up with
0 elements in @foo, and push(@foo, undef) doesn't get any more elements,
but if you run off the end, you still can get back the undef that was
put there.  But we haven't worked all that out.

: >>vec
: >>   
: >>
: >
: >This is pack with issues :)
: > 
: >
: If nothing else, I plan on making a form that works on Int as well as 
: one that works on Str. I don't know how many times I've had to resort to 
: masks and shifts to do something vec should have done for me nicely.

I would love to kill vec in favor of declared arrays of tiny
integers, which could presumably be mapped onto other data types
like bytesstrings or integers.  This is one of those areas where we
can make good use of the notion that a variable is a view onto some
other piece of data that may not even know it's being viewed strangely.


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