On Fri, Mar 18, 2005 at 08:21:07AM -0500, John Siracusa wrote:
: On 3/18/05 12:18 AM, Larry Wall wrote:
: > Autochomping is one of the motivations for switching from "while" to
: > "for" for the normal line input method, since "while" might think a
: > blank line is false, while "for" only cares whether the next value
: > is defined.
: Speaking of which (ha), does that mean we can ditch the hack that internally
: auto-translates this:
:     while($file = readdir(...)) { ... }
: into this:
:     while(defined($file = readdir(...)) { ... }
: in Perl 5?  Because that'd be nice... :)

We've already killed it.


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