On Thu, Mar 24, 2005 at 03:09:37PM -0700, Luke Palmer wrote:
: Larry Wall writes:
: > Step A: For each positional parameter, if the next supplied argument is:
: > 
: >     1) a non-pair
: >     2) a pair, and this parameter is explicitly declared Pair, or
: >     3) a hash, and this parameter is declared Hash, either explicitly,
: >        or implicitly with a % sigil,
: Wait, so:
:     sub foo (?$x, *%opts) {...}
:     foo @a;      # $x = [EMAIL PROTECTED],   %opts = ();
:     foo %a;      # $x = undef, %opts = %a;
: That's asymmetrical, and I think in a bad way. 

Yeah, I agree.  How 'bout we go with something like you have to *
the actual hash (if it's the first thing) to make it look like a
list of pairs to the parser, and we can just get rid of 3 there.


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