On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 06:24:38PM -0400, Aaron Sherman wrote: : I'm confused as well. How does that play with Larry's comment: : : http://groups-beta.google.com/group/perl.perl6.language/browse_frm/thread/54a1135c012b97bf/d17b4bc5ae7db058?q=list+comma&rnum=5&hl=en#d17b4bc5ae7db058
Well, that approach would also work. I'm just not sure it's what people would expect. It's a little retroactive for .[] to change the context of the expressions in (). These days I think I'd rather have something out front that specifically says you want a list of scalars. Perhaps scalar(1,(2,3),4) should be our list of scalars context, and produce [1,[2,3],4]. Or maybe something else should indicate LoS. Larry