On Sat, May 07, 2005 at 01>00>08PM -0700, Larry Wall wrote:

> On the other hand, since we've distinguished hyperops on
> infixes from hyperops on unaries, maybe an infix hyperop in
> unary position just does the thing to itself:
>     @squares = Â*Â @list;
> which gives us a sum-of-squares that looks like this:
>     @sumofsquares = [+] Â*Â @list;

> On the gripping hand, I can't think of any other operators I'd
> be likely to want to do that to, 

Ken Iverson had the same problem in the beginning.
"Even after tasting the fruits of generalizing the Î notation of 
mathematics to the form f/ that permitted the use of functions 
other than addition, it took some time before I recognized the 
advantages of a corresponding generalization of the inner or 
matrix product to allow the use of functions other than addition 
and multiplication."

> so forget it.  Not worth teaching people.  

In languages that have reduce, scan, and inner product, it turns 
out that there are a number of other useful cases besides sum 
and sum of products. Minimax and maximin in game theory, for 
example. Boolean inner products on incidence matrices give a 
result showing which points are connected by paths of length 
two, and higher powers give connectedness on paths of length 
'n', up to the point at which all path-connected components have 
been completely identified. 'And of equals' matches vectors 
(lists) against rows or columns of a table, depending on the 
order of the arguments. There are a number of others in the 
literature, some of them quite common in use. Once reduce, scan, 
and inner product can apply to user-defined functions, the 
possibilities open wide.

Scan is an extension of reduce. It takes every initial segment of 
its vector argument, and does a reduce on it. (For right-to-left 
evaluation as in APL and J, this requires order N squared time 
on non-commutative functions.) J has extended scan to a version 
that operates on final segments. Examples at

This paper applies scans to inner product functions.
The inner-product scan allows a straight-forward calculation of 
interest-bearing accounts or annuities without a loop in APL.

> Larry 
Edward Cherlin
Generalist & activist--Linux, languages, literacy and more
"A knot! Oh, do let me help to undo it!"
--Alice in Wonderland

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