Michele Dondi wrote:
On Wed, 18 May 2005, Rob Kinyon wrote:

1) undef (which may or may not contain an exception), or
2) some unit/identity value that is a trait of the operator,

I think that the unit/identity/neutral value is a trait of the operator *and* the type of the values which are expected from the list/array. If nothing more specific is known it would be Any ::= Str | Num | Ref | Array | Hash | Code | ... of which I don't know what the neutral value for +, *, ~, etc. should be.

depending on whether or not people think (2) is actually a good idea.

I would think that the Principle of Least Surprise points to (1),

Me, too. In particualr since Perl6 has got rich undef semantics. BTW, is an Undef type specified? Is it a one-below-Any type, i.e. Any ::= ... | Undef | ...

I don't think so. I, for one, would expect [+]; to return zero and [*]; to return 1. But that's only because I {trust,expect} perl(6) to be smart enough to DWIM.

I would expect the dwimmery beeing a natural outcome of the strong type system :) So, if neutral(+,Any) =:= 0 and +Any =:= Num and the empty list returns any number of undefs you ask it to provide and +undef == 0 then [+]; gives 0. Same reasoning applies for [*] gives 1 and for [~] you get '' when ~Any =:= Str. All that is more or less my way to repeat what others have said in this thread. -- $TSa =:= all( none( @Larry ), one( @p6l ))

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