Autrijus Tang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> So, this now works in Pugs with (with a "env PUGS_EMBED=perl5" build):
>     use Digest--perl5;
>     my $cxt = Digest.SHA1;
>     $cxt.add('Pugs!');
>     # This prints: 66db83c4c3953949a30563141f08a848c4202f7f
>     say $cxt.hexdigest;
> This includes the "" from Perl 5., etc will
> also work.
> Now my question is, is my choice of using the "perl5" namespace indicator a 
> sane way to handle this? 

I was getting used to ":" as an adverbial and adjective modifier. So I
would think the above would be:

use Digest:perl5

but that would be confusing given that two colons separate parts of a
package namespace.

        Carter's Compass: I know I'm on the right track when,
           by deleting something, I'm adding functionality.

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