Luke Palmer wrote:
When we heard that Larry didn't acutally want $$foo to infinitely
dereference, some of us were overjoyed, and others severely
disappointed.  Both transparent dereferencing (infinite $$foo) and
opaque dereferencing (one-level $$foo) have their uses, but they are
definitely distinct.

I guess a syntax like the reduce meta operator

[$]$ref = whatever();

doesn't work for the $ sigil because it firstly is
no operator and secondly unary. So I join the single

Might it be applicable to use .() as the dereferencer
of scalar variables that derefs to the next none(Ref)
type and if that is a Code it dispatches to it as expected?
This nicely gives:

$x = 3
$y = \$x;

$y() = 7;

say $x;  #  prints 7

$y = 23; # detaches from $x

say $x;  # still prints 7

One detail is that lvalue subs without params
must be taken care of. But they'll have a proxy
anyway to handle assignment.

Another general thing is of course that explicitly constant Refs
shall not be applicable as a lhs of assignment. This applies to
chains of prefixed $ as well.
TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

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