On 6/18/05 8:11 PM, Juerd wrote:
> John Siracusa skribis 2005-06-18 19:55 (-0400):
>>       ./method()  ./:method()
>>       [EMAIL PROTECTED]()  .@:method()
>>       .>method()  .>:method()
>>       .-method()  .-:method()
> [...]
>>       ./method()  ./:method() # worst
> Why exactly is the slash not acceptable for you? Almost everyone has
> said they like it. I personally find ./method prettier and easier to
> type than any of the alternatives.

I think it's jarring.  It definitely doesn't look like a method call to me.
It looks out of place, like a typo of some kind.  That was my honest initial
reaction, as I posted earlier.  I literally didn't even consider that it
could be some sort of new syntax--and that's saying a lot considering I was
reading p6l.  I though GMail had mangled the text while trying to interpret
quoting or something.

>> It was a tough battle for last place, but in the end I think - even is a
>> nicer placeholder for an implicit "something."  I just can't get over the
>> path-y-ness of ./ (not to mention the division-y-ness)
> The pathiness was on purpose. In fact, ./pugs inspired it and a metaphor
> between cwd and $?SELF plays for mnemonic.

I understand that, but I don't think it's a very applicable analogy.  First,
I think it's a long bridge from the file/path world to method calls.
Second, even ignoring that, ./ in file/path context is a composition of two
well-defined primitives, rather than the single unit proposed for Perl 6,
the "call this on $?SELF" operator.  (That could also be why I was breaking
./ down into . and / earlier, proposing alternatives for the / part alone.)

> The divisioniness is something you'll just have to get over. Do you see
> any division in /\w+/?

No, because it's in pairs there (and because of ~12 years of perl 4-5 :)

> Or any addition in $foo +| $bar? Or any comparison in =>, +>, or <>? Or any
> price in $var? Or any percentage in %hash? Or any conjunction in &sub?

I do see a bit of addition in +|.  The > constructs mostly look arrow-y to
me, which is usually the intention (again, except in pairs where it looks
bracket-y).  Price in $var, well, years of shell combine there with years of
perl (not to mention BASIC or whatever :)  % and & mostly ride on the perl
4-5 wave mentioned above.

Anyway, I'm just giving my opinion.  At least three other people agree with
me, although we do seem to be in the minority so far.  I'm just hoping
there's an alternative that everyone will like better :)


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