Dave Whipp skribis 2005-07-13 8:44 (-0700): > > Within a method or submethod, C<.method> only works when C<$_ =:= > > $?SELF>. > >C<.method> is perfectly legal on *any* topic anywhere that $?SELF > >doesn't exist. > Just to be clear, this includes any method/submethod with an explicitly > named invocant, I hope.
No, $?SELF exists in every method. It's not the *default* invocant variable, it's the *always there* invocant variable. There is no default variable anywhere in the language that isn't $_. Juerd -- http://convolution.nl/maak_juerd_blij.html http://convolution.nl/make_juerd_happy.html http://convolution.nl/gajigu_juerd_n.html