On Thu, Jul 14, 2005 at 18:06:24 -0700, Dave Whipp wrote:
> Yuval Kogman wrote:
> >     - optimizers stack on top of each other
> >     - the output of each one is executable
> >     - optimizers work in a coroutine, and are preemptable
> >     - optimizers are small
> >     - optimizers operate with a certain section of code in mind
>  > ...
> >Optimizers get time slices to operate on code as it is needed. They
> >get small portions - on the first run only simple optimizations are
> >expected to actually finish.
>  > ...
> A couple of thoughts spring to mind: in these coming times of ubiquitous 
> multi-core computing with software transaction support, perhaps it would 
> be realistic to place optimisation on a low-priority thread. So much code is 
> single-threaded that anything we can do to make use of dual-cores is 
> likely to improve system efficiency.

The API i proposed actually has that in mind =)

> The other thing that I thought of was the question of errors detected during 
> optimisations. It is possible that an optimiser will do a more 
> in-depth type inference (or dataflow analysis, etc.) and find errors in the 
> code (e.g. gcc -O2 adds warnings for uninitialised variables). This 
> would be a compile-time error that occurs while the code is running. If a 
> program has been running for several hours when the problem is found, 
> what do you do with the error? Would you even want to send a warning to 
> stderr?

Good question...

I think that such errors are only reported if the user either
enables a per code pragma like 'use checks::expensive' or something
like that, or forces everything to happen at compile time (like when
shipping a product, or testing a release).'

 ()  Yuval Kogman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 0xEBD27418  perl hacker &
 /\  kung foo master: /me groks YAML like the grasshopper: neeyah!!!!!!

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